All eligible applicants must submit an application by applying online to access funding.
An application is required for each academic period of study, i.e., if your program year runs from September to April, you can apply for the Fall/Winter funding period (academic period of September 1 to April 30). If you are in a program year that runs September to August of the following year, you will be required to submit 2 separate applications, a Fall/Winter (academic period of September 1 to April 30) and Summer (academic period of May 1 to Aug 31).
If you are attending more than one institution during a semester, then an application is required for each institution. If you are taking courses at one institution for credit at another institution, then a letter of permission from your "home” institution will be required.
To apply online:
You will need your 10 digit band registry number and social insurance/social security number to begin the process. When you apply online, be sure to submit as much detail as you can. There are three forms that can be completed online:
- Application for Education Assistance.
- Consent to Request and Release Information form. (Is auto-generated when you submit your application)
- Initial Intake & Education Plan Form (for all new applicants).
At the end of the application process, you can review your application details. A copy of the application will be automatically emailed to you. Please keep this for your records only.
In special circumstances, you can obtain a paper Application for Education Assistance, Consent to Request and Release Information form, and Initial Intake & Education Plan Form. Complete, sign and submit these three forms with your original signature by the required deadline. When manually filling out these forms, please print clearly and firmly in black or blue ink pen.
Be sure to check the various deadline dates we have throughout the year and submit your application during the proper intake for your academic periods of study.
When completing an Online Application please take time to complete all sections thoroughly. Any mistakes or missing information will delay the processing of your application package. If you need assistance applying online, please refer to the Online Application Process - Step By Step Instructions located in the Online Application and Forms section of the Eligibility, Applying & Financial Assistance tab on the main page of the GRPSEO website.
Click here to Apply Online.